Lara's free online games for babies, kids and "adults" ! / Larine besplatne online flash igre i igrice za bebe, djecu i "odrasle" ! > Lara's free games > Action games > Dawn of the sniper 2

Zora snajpera 2 / Dawn of the sniper 2
U ovoj igri ti si snajperist koji mora zaštiti preostale žive ljude od zombija. Kako napreduješ, skupljaš novce i kupuješ bolje oružje. Čak možeš naoružati i preživjele. Sretno.
Ciljanje = ; Pucanje = ; Zoom = ; Punjenje =
Protect the remaining survivors by shooting all the zombies in each level.
Earn cash to upgrade weapons and defeat the undead. (15+)

Date added: October 6, 2015.


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