Lara's free online games for babies, kids and "adults" ! / Larine besplatne online flash igre i igrice za bebe, djecu i "odrasle" ! > Larina igraonica > Mozgalice > Laboratorij smrti

Laboratorij smrti / Death lab
Ovu sam igru stavila u Mozgalice jer se ipak ne radi o bezglavom pucanju. Trebate pobiti ove zombije u laboratoriju tako da se pametno služite raspoloživim oružjem. Kako napredujete kroz nivoe, kupujte bolja oružja i mogućnosti. Sretno.
Interakcija =
Make your way out of the Death Lab in this thrilling, action-style puzzle game. But before you can walk through the door you have to wipe out all enemy aliens. Lucky you, you are armed to the teeth with a wide arsenal of weapons and explosives. Kill 'em all! Much fun!
Date added: March 5, 2014.


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